Terms and Condition

1. Data Filtration Time

We strive to provide data that precisely matches your requirements. However, data filtration may take some time, depending on the complexity of your needs.

2. No Free Sample Data

We do not offer free sample data due to the costs involved in data processing. However, our data comes with a high level of accuracy and reliability.

3. 24-Hour Money-Back Guarantee

If you have made a payment and do not receive the data within 24 hours, you are eligible for a full refund.

4. Data Quality Replacement

In the rare event of genuine issues with the data such as DND numbers, invalid entries, or unreachable contacts, kindly share your feedback, and we will replace the data within 24 hours.

5. Non-Refundable Payment

The payment made for our services is non-refundable to ensure that we maintain the integrity of our data and protect our business from potential misuse.

6. Building Long-Term Relationships

Our goal is to establish lasting partnerships by providing tailored data solutions that cater to the specific needs of your business.

7. Premium Plan

We offer premium leads on a first-come, first-serve basis. Premium leads are priced at 5 Rs per lead and are not subject to the minimum transaction amount of 2000 Rs.

8. Data Resale Policy

We do not resell the same leads for a period of six months, although the accuracy of data cannot be fully guaranteed due to constant updates and changes.

9. Data Filtration Timeframe:

Data filtration is a meticulous process, and we request your patience while we filter the data to match your exact requirements.

10. Understanding the Policies

Clients are advised to carefully read and comprehend these policies before engaging with our services to ensure a smooth and satisfactory experience.